Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Why am I doing this? Reason number 3!

Finding topics to write about is one thing. Finding topics to write about which other people also want to read about - is another thing. But THEN - communicating it in a way that is:

a. understandable
b. concise
c. grammatically correct
d. amusing and informative

is a completely separate challenge!

Maybe its one of those things where you either have it or you don't. Or perhaps it's something you can learn and develop? But, apparently, if you want to become a good writer, you need to practice regularly - which brings me to reason number 3 for starting this blog.

Reason 3 for starting this blog: To practice writing and see if I can do it or not!!

Thursday, 23 August 2007

Why Am I Doing This? Reason Number 2!

So, let's for the time being imagine that I find my way through the maze of topics, and I reach the centre to find the ultimate treasure chest of an idea! THAT subject that I am absolutely passionate about to the point of obsession. THAT subject that I just can't wait to get out of bed to write about! THAT subject that just flows from my finger tips, through the web of the world, into the minds of those people who are looking for exactly THAT subject! Wow - wouldn't that be great? But hold on a minute. Just because I find the topic I want to focus on - who's to say anyone else out there in the entire world is going to be interested? Which brings me to my second reason for writing this blog.

Reason 2 for starting this blog: To try to establish whether whatever it is that I want to write about, is what anyone else out there wants to read about.

I hope that somewhere within this blog, I hit on a topic that really interests you, or that you enjoy. Please do let me know if this is the case - that way - I can try to give you more!!!

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Why Am I Doing This? Reason Number 1!

From what I can gather, people blog for numerous different reasons. The following is a list of the main 7 reasons I can think of off the top of my head!

1. As a creative outlet
2. To get a better sense of the world, a place and/or themselves
3. Because it's addictive, and they started - so they have no choice but to carry on
4. For business purposes
5. To fuel an alter ego, or live an imaginery identity
6. To share information, knowledge and views with a wider audience
7. To find a network of like minded people

Before I start to attempt to add to this blog on a regular basis, and deliver what I hope will be some kind of meaningful reading for someone out there, I thought I'd try to make it clear to both readers and myself, just why I'm doing it in the first place.

Aside from my day job (publishing a community magazine), I hold a burning desire to try to develop my writing, to what I hope will one day, capture people's imaginations and minds, grab them by the goolies, make them sit up straight and think with eyes wide open - then take them back to a place of calm and greater wisdom!!! Well - maybe that's a bit dramatic - but you get the picture.

I think I have a long, long journey ahead of me. Firstly - I really don't know what I want to write about.... "Great!" I hear you thinking.. "This is going to be interesting!". But by that - I don't mean that I don't have anything to write about, what I mean is that, there are so many topics out there that interest me, that I can't for the life of me decide which one to devote my energy to. Which brings me to my first reason for starting this blog:

Reason 1 for starting this blog: To explore my areas of interest and see which one I like writing about the most!

I hope that through my explorations and contemplations you find something in there for you!! And if you have any other thoughts on why people like to blog - please feel free to share...