Monday, 17 September 2007

Funky Food

At the beginning of 2007 we (Paul & I) decided to go on a diet. No, I lie! We decided to change the way we eat for good! Up until that point, I wasn’t really much of a cook, and despite efforts in eating a balanced diet, we were both putting on weight. When we read the Food Doctor Diet book, everything made absolute sense and we decided to give it a go. There lay a turning point in our lives.

Through following the Food Doctor Diet Paul lost 3 stone in weight and I lost enough weight to fit comfortably back into those clothes which were getting just a little too tight. No diet had worked so well for either of us before. In fact neither of us had managed to find a diet that worked for us at all until then. You could call it a success! But actually it was a double success. Through the Food Doctor Diet, not only did we learn how to stay slim(ish) on a long-term basis, but we also gained immense knowledge on how to eat a balanced diet. Great! But better still – I’ve unleashed the cook in me, and a vibrant world of cooking and food has landed on my plate.

I believe that preparing a meal is one of the nicest things you could possibly do for yourself. The key to happiness has to be in taking pleasure from the basic human needs. Food is your fuel for everything. The health of your body and your mind depends on what you put in. Food has therefore started to become a bit of a religion in our house, and cooking has become a celebratory ceremony.

We have always enjoyed eating with friends, but as cooking has become such a major part of our lives, we want to share that with our friends too. And so, usually if anyone joins us for food, they can expect to be in the kitchen, sleeves rolled up, drinking wine, and preparing the food with us… Tee-hee – at least that way every one shares the responsibility for how it turns out. Certainly takes the pressure of being a host!

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