Saturday, 13 October 2007

It's all about balance!

When I was in my early twenties, myself and a good friend were having a debate about some thing or an other. I can't actually remember what it was about at all now.. but thankfully that's irrelevant. The important thing is; after debating who was right and who was wrong we reached a point where we both agreed that neither of us were right, or in fact both of us were right. After expressing our own views, AND understanding the other's view we reached a point when we both chanted simultaneously "It's all about balance!".

Since that day, we have found a zillion and one circumstances which prompted us to repeat the mantra "It's all about balance". The situations vary from; too much work or not enough, too much socialising or being a hermit, through to areas such as mood swings, emotions, love and a balanced diet. We basically came to the conclusion - that everything is about balance! Finding balance has become our life long goal. With balance we believe comes contentment and happiness.

Is that a revelation? Probably not! It's not a far cry from the old saying "everything in moderation" that my parents' generation, grandparents' generation, and no doubt the generation before that have been telling us.. BUT - my friend and I were and still are - very excited by our life mantra!

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