Saturday 13 October 2007

Moving Towards Balance

This year I discovered Yoga! I'm sure I'm not alone. Yoga has been trickling through the homes and streets of western society like a glorious liquid gold released from its melting pot, for many years now.

I bought a fantastic book which takes you through an eight week yoga home study course, and it is just magic! It is written by Rodney Yee and ladies, girls or gay men - you have to buy this book, if not just to admire this beautiful specimen of the male species! That's not to say that heterosexual men wouldn't enjoy yoga by the way. My other half is into it as much as me, and I'm sure Rodney is not gay either...

Aside from Rodney's luring looks and physique the name of the book made the purchase a complete must for me. It's called "Moving Towards Balance".

This eight week yoga home study course, methodically breaks the multitude of yoga postures into different elements, which culminate to developing a balanced body, mind and soul.

Given my life mantra “It’s all about balance”, I guess you ought to be able to imagine just how excited I was by the title and description of this book! So - I bought it, and there started my sometimes ceremonious, sometimes sporadic, and sometimes forgotten and non existent - journey into Yoga!

Click on the link below for more information on the book...

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